Romantic Text Messages That Will Make Her Want You Badly ( Texts That Gets Her Naked)
FACT: You don’t have to be in the same room with a girl to get her all wet and aroused.
“Sexting” or sending “sex text messages that will make her want you sexually” is one proven way and if you really want to get good at it, you must know what works best – in any situation.
Truth is, you can send messages to get a girl so addicted to you, that she’ll be texting you at 1:50 AM…
Asking what you’re up to…
And if she could “come over”…
Or better yet – what if you have this?
1 text message for each time you want her naked…
It’s true.
Just imagine all the fun and pleasure coming your way if you can provoke STRONG urges over one simple text!
You see, “sexting” is all about creating the right mental images.
The idea is to let her know you want to get physical with her without sounding like a raging horndog.
i.e. What you say before “getting it on” is a critical component of each text.
And you know what?
There’s a reason these exact sexting “templates” are not found anywhere else – not even if you “Google” it.
I mean, sending her an overused text message is like using recycled water from everyone’s bucket, which is awful.
Plus, it makes her think, “I’ve heard of this line before but not sure where.” And then you’ve missed your chance to stand out from every other guy that was texting her.
Look, if you want to engage a woman’s sexual imagination, do it in a way that she’s nearly powerless to resist.
Here Are 43 Texts That Make Her Want You Badly And Make Her Come Over – This Instant…
Incredibly, each one gives her a reason to drop everything she’s doing and go jump your bones!
Seize the day,
Lloyd Lester
PS: Inception Orgasm (100% Mental Trick)
(Girls don’t play games unless)… you make it worth her time!
Seriously – if there’s one thing that will STOP any girl from dumping you or ditching you…
And if there’s a way to make her turn up at your door for sex (as if you ordered pizza)…
It’s probably in this form of a fun little “game”.
As kids, we all loved to chase and play hide-and-seek…
And this one has the same exhilarating effect – albeit in sexual situations.
Girls love this “game” (better than intercourse)…
So the next time you’re chatting up a girl you want to get down and dirty with, simply play this sneaky game on her…
It will remove all the pressure and seriousness…
And, it’ll quickly turn her on and give her a reality-bending orgasm!
This may sound kind of far-fetch, so here’s the catch…
You don’t do it during sex.
Or during foreplay.
You do it BEFORE you even meet the girl. In fact, you can just text her a specific set of “Make Her Want You Text Messages” in a specific order… and she can climax while holding her phone.
It’s called the “Inception Orgasm” and it’s a 100% mental trick.
When you do it multiple times, over multiple days…
Her body will develop “muscle memory” and just sending a message will make her climax on command.
Now you see why girls love to play this game?
It doesn’t stop there.
The minute she sees you… all those pleasurable sensations will flood back in an instant.
And now riding your D-train becomes the most natural thing for her.
The best part is, you don’t have to learn how to speak to women…
If you can send her romantic messages to make her want you Badly…
You can make her experience an Inception Orgasm (here’s how)…
Look – nothing can compete with a man who knows how to penetrate a woman’s mind and not just her private parts. And this one – is like an invisible rush of warmth in her brain (and her genitals).
Seize the day,
Lloyd Lester
PS: I Know There Are LOADS Of Good Texting Advice Online.
Most of it is on YouTube.
None of it talks about this one thing that can “level” you in the eyes of the girl.
Here’s what I mean:
“Leveling” is a poker concept.
I.e. when you make a certain action, it can classify you as a player who has X experience.
Another word for it is a “tell.”
It’s similar when you text girls.
As good as your copy & paste lines are, the chicks that get the most DMs will see right through you…
Unless you do it in a way that matches their “level.”
I know what I’m saying might sound vague.
The easiest way to think about it is how to use the girl’s texting blueprint on her…
So she instantly recognizes you as someone different and doesn’t put a label on you.
That way you can stand out and take her out quicker…
Or take her in 😉
If you’d like to see how to use a girl’s texting blueprint to your advantage, this short video reveals it:
=> The Texting Game Nuance That No One Talks About
Talk soon…
Your Wingman,
Taylor Snow Romance
Text Her This In The Morning ( Sample Make Her Want You Text Messages)
Did you know 80% of us check our phones within the first 10 minutes of waking up?
That’s a high number, but I bet that doesn’t include the people who check their phones with one eye open (lol count me in!)
And you know what?
This probably means mornings are a critical time to grab a girl’s attention.
So unless you text her saying she has won an appliance showcase and what-not, most often she’ll just snub a random dude off…
In fact, this is a great way to get her a little more frisky in the first few hours of the day.
It’s nothing but a fun text with a clean intention – and if it works then you can expect a “dirty” outcome for both of you tonight. 😉
Call it the perfect “first text” which UCLA doctors discovered to be very effective in releasing the most powerful pleasure chemical that exists.
And the good news?
There are text messages you can use for every occasion – especially if you want to get pics of her undressed… or if you want to get laid quickly.
Look, if you’re tired of the pain of failed attempts and watching a girl become less and less responsive, perhaps you need this more than anything else.
Simply put, you want your messages to make her adore you (not despise you).
And when you’re giddy to get inside her pants now, just send this one out and see what happens next…
How To Arouse Her With Text Messages To Make Her Want You (43 Texts Samples)…
Seize the day,
Lloyd Lester
PS: Turn Her On With Texts That Make Her Want You
Know what that is?
It’s when the universe kicks you in the nuts and gives you a sign.
No, not a sign… It gives you billboard-sized message about what you should do.
I recently had one of those moments the just the other day.
I was shopping around for an email service provider – so I can keep dropping pearls of wisdom every week…. And I saw the name of one email provider: “Constant Contact”.
The name made me think of a BIG mistake guys make when it comes to texting women. Keeping in constant contact with women that you’re not fucking, or even a girl that you are fucking, is a game sin.
But I didn’t stop there. I sat down to write this quick post to you about:
Getting Good at Text Message Game
Text messaging is a POWERFUL TOOL for dating. But like any tool, it can be destructive and productive in equal measures.
It can give you more girls than your balls can handle…
Or it can destroy all the attraction you built with one click of the “Send” button.
But you don’t have to Shakespeare to be a master at text game. You just need to learn and apply a few simple principles when it comes to communicating with women via digital messages.
Quick side note: The advice in this post applies to direct messages on Instagram, Snapchat messages, Whatsapp voice notes, and so on.
So hang tight and read through the rest of this post. You’ll learn how to use modern technology…. To give you access to women that your grandfather would have jerked off to in Hustler magazine.
But if you’re a type-a personality… and you want to skip my advice and go straight to a comprehensive text messaging course… check out “Text Messages To Make Her Want You Sexually ” By My Dating Club PUA (Pick Up Artist).
No, you DON’T have to be married to use it. The advice inside applies as much to Tinder sluts as it does to the woman you exchanged vows with.
The principles WORK.
Back to me.
Here are a few examples of when text messaging is used for good:
1. Following Up On A Number Close
When you get a girl’s number from a day game approach or from the nightclub… Send her a quick message before she forgets you.
“Hey it’s Troy” (Followed by an in-joke about the approach so she remembers you.)
2. Getting Back In Touch
Contact a girl that you haven’t spoken to in a while and see if she’s single now:
Example: “Hey. How was your weekend?”
She might not reply. She might say, “Who is this?”. You lose nothing by trying:
She wasn’t fucking you before and she’s not fucking you now.
3. Dropping Hints About Your Amazing Lifestyle
Example: “What have I been doing? Oh, nothing much. I was at the lake today doing some wakeboarding. Later I’m going to have a big family dinner and surprise my mother.
Gotta run. Speak to ya later “
4. Making And confirming Plans
Set up the logistics for your date. This is what text messaging was built for.
Okay. That’s it for the Do’s. Let’s get to the destructive side of texting.
1. Don’t constantly message her “to keep in touch”
If she’s a new prospect, you’ll come across as needy. If she’s your girlfriend, you’re not giving her the gift of missing you.
Unless you have some news, or you’re asking her out… Shut the fuck up.
2. Sending dick-pics
Men get aroused by images of female body parts, especially shapely ones.
But women are turned on by words and emotions. For her, a photo of a penis or some abdominals is as attractive as a photo of a foot or a shoulder.
If she starts to escalate the text exchange by sending you images of cleavage… DON’T TAKE THE BAIT.
She’s trying to get validation from you.
Don’t start frothing at the mouth and sending her shirtless selfies. The only time she gets to see your abs or your penis is when she’s in your bedroom.
Before that, it’s worthless.
3. Don’t write long-ass paragraphs
Nobody wants to scroll through your stream of consciousness and read all that crap.
Women spill their guts and use ten words instead of one. Men get to the point and don’t waste time.
4. Don’t write like a teenage girl
“Wanna c me 2nite?”
You’re an man so WRITE LIKE ONE.
All right. I could condense all the advice in this post to:
“Don’t be a pussy”
“Don’t use romantic text messages as a substitute for having real balls.”
Only you know when you’re using texting as a comfort blanket against rejection… So be honest with yourself.
Don’t let a text exchange drag on too long. If after a few messages back and forth you haven’t made a decision, PICK UP THE PHONE.
If she doesn’t answer, delete her number and break up with her in your head.
It’s over. It really hurts but you’ll soon find someone else.
You Should Print out This Post and Read It Once a Week
It’s that good.
But if you want to take your text game to mastery level, you need to read this book by the man who has “magic thumbs”.
His name is Michael Fiore. And his book, “Text Messages To Make Her Want You Badly”, has saved many marriages from the brink.
For that reason:
Lawyers and Divorce Courts Hate This Book.
It’s difficult to make a girl feel aroused via text without sounding like every other horny guy.
Or making her feel like a slut.
Or saying something stupid and turning her off.
Text Your Wife Into Bed Tells You How to Tread That Fine Line.
Inside you’ll learn how to make her curious about you through text.
You’ll also learn how to tell a story through text without being long-winded.
I could praise it all day but I’ll just tell you…
Read the damn book!
That’s all for today,
– Tory
P.S. Don’t underestimate the power of words. Novels can keep you up all night, turning the pages. Advertising can make you hand over your credit card. So learn the wordsmithing techniques that turn normal people into raving book fans and shopaholics. All The Tricks Are Revealed Here – Make Her Want You Through Text
Texts That Make Her Want You
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Richard La Ruina, also known as Gambler, is a well-known international relationship expert and coach who established himself as a dating guru and pick-up artist in the UK market.
He is the founder of PUA Training, the largest European dating coaching company that has expanded globally, with operations in South America, Asia, and North America. Gambler's reputation was further boosted by the Amazon bestseller book "THE NATURAL: How to Effortlessly Attract the Women You Want."
Despite his success with women, Gambler admits to facing rejection in the past, acknowledging the challenges of dating. This motivated him into becoming one of the best dating coaches by teaching men effortless techniques of attracting and seducing women