Chase Triggers Review

7 chase trigger words which make women chase men pdf download



Did you know that there are certain Psychological “Chase Triggers” that can get beautiful women chasing YOU?

Well, it’s been proven that using these few simple “trigger words” can instantly spark the interest of gorgeous women…

…and get HER doing the chasing, by showing her you’re a man of value worth going after.

The effort you need for dating success could be about to drop drastically.

Find these effective triggers in the link below:

Show her you’re an irresistible, sexual man of value with these 7 attraction triggers


Think back to the last few times you’ve tried to woo a beautiful woman.

Did it feel like you were having to make all the effort?

Trust me, I know how painful that can feel.

You’ve practiced all your best lines, walk up to her with a big smile and sense of calm…

…and you still get nowhere.

It just doesn’t feel like she’s anywhere near as invested in this as you are.

And that’s what most men are failing to achieve in these situations.

Once you convince a woman her existence would be improved by spending time with you

…you’ve given her a reason to invest in you and make the effort.

That’s when she can start to chase YOU – and attracting her becomes so much easier.

You don’t even need to start with anything complicated or weird.

Just asking her to hold your drink at the bar for a moment is a great way to help you dictate the flow the conversation…

…since she’s now responding to your actions, not the other way around.

How does this work, exactly?

It sets off a psychological process called “effort justification”.

The more effort we put into a process, the more we expect a reward for our effort.

And it’s just as true for dating and relationships as it is for anything else.

As a woman starts to do more and more small (but innocent) things for you, the more effort it feels like she’s contributed to the relationship.

And the more she does this, she’ll see you as a more attractive man – and crucially, also a more interesting one…

…who’s got tons to offer and worth all her effort to chase.

Anyway, that’s the first thing you can do.

Now for the next step.

For 7 powerful, more advanced psychological triggers – that get her chasing you even more strongly, read on here…

Use these trigger words to spark her interest (making HER do the chasing)

The 7 Innocent Chase Trigger Words Eros Of Elixir System Review Free PDF Download

Talk soon,


PS: Trigger The “Chase” Mechanism In Any Girl In Less Than 1 Hour

Getting a woman to chase you is easier than you think.

That goes for whether you’ve been in a relationship for decades or whether you’re trying to attract a particular new girl you like.

Discover how to trigger this “chase” mechanism in a woman here…

Step-by-step: how to trigger the “chase” mechanism in any girl in less than 1 hour


You’ve probably heard of the “critical factor” in some way, shape or form.

It’s the idea that beautiful attractive women will only go for a guy who is handsome, tall, rich, famous, has status and so on.

And if you ask any girl, she’ll typically tell you that these kind of guys are the ones that she would choose to date.

Now, notice that key word…


In this situation we’re talking about a conscious decision.

What women choose consciously and how they feel subconsciously are very different.

And that’s how you can explain those times you’ve seen a gorgeous woman with a “less-than-totally-attractive” guy…

It’s because these guys have bypassed a woman’s “critical factor”.

Instead of worrying about whether they meet society’s description of what defines an attractive man – instead they’ve figured out what triggers deep subconscious attraction in a woman.

And what’s really exciting is that when you know how to trigger attraction on a subsconscious level you too can trigger a woman to chase you.

In other words you can activate a woman’s “chase” mechanism.

Now, my buddy Swinggcat has been refining this process for years and has boiled everything that’s required into a simple step-by-step formula that’s surprisingly easy for even “regular guys” to copy.

So, if you would like to know how to activate the “chase” mechanism, go take a look at Swinggcat’s method here…

Step-by-step formula for making a woman chase YOU

Talk soon,


PS – Remember, attraction is a subconscious process – meaning you don’t need exceptional looks, endless wealth or world-wide fame to attract beautiful women.

You must understand how to effectively communicate with the part of a woman responsible for attraction.

Follow this link to discover exactly how to do this.


PS: Get More Sex With This “Female Attraction Secret” (Step-by-Step Instructions)


Many men feel like they don’t have control over their ability to attract women.

Put another way: either they luck into doing all the right things that make a woman interested in them – or they don’t.

Happily, I’m here to tell you this is completely false.

Any man can consciously take the exact steps that make even the most desirable women crave them.

And these steps can work the first time you try them…

…regardless of your age, experience or what you look like.

Want to know what these steps are? Just follow the link below:

Step-by-step method to unleash her deepest sexual cravings for you (on command)


For most men, platonic communication is fairly easy.

They’re capable of enjoying fun, interesting conversations with their guy friends.

Lots of them can even have non-sexual, platonic conversations with women – without any problem whatsoever.

But, as I’m sure you’ve already guessed…

…the sticking point for most men is introducing a more sexual dynamic around women.

I’ve worked with dozens of men who find it a complete minefield.

They’re afraid of rejection, or simply think they’re incapable of being viewed sexually because of their circumstances (age, looks, money… you know the kind of thing.).

But I’ve got some news for you.

If sexual conversation with women is a struggle for you, then NONE of those other circumstances are truly holding you back.

In reality, the language of sexual attraction is very different to the language of a normal conversation.

You’re just not speaking it right now – and it’s incredibly easy to get started.

Don’t forget: women have the same biological urges for sex that you do.

They WANT a man who taps into this hunger and knows how to drive them wild with excitement.

Does this sound like a man you want to become?

If so, then the next time you want to turn a platonic conversation more sexual…

…simply use this specific set of words and phrases.

They tap into the exact psychological triggers that make her comfortable – even excited – to be more sexual around you.

You won’t have to worry about “doing the right thing” anymore when these few simple words are all it takes.

In fact, they have the potential to change your view on the inner workings of female attraction…

…as the results could completely blow you away.

See what these words are in the link below.

Say these exact words to trigger instant sexual attraction in women

Talk soon,



PS: 7 words to make gorgeous women start chasing YOU


I’m amazed at how often this happens.

So many guys think the most effective way to flirt with and attract beautiful women…

…is to fawn over her, agreeing with everything she says.

Most of the time, this just looks desperate and needy.

If you want to know which words can really spark a woman’s interest and attraction – and make HER the one trying to chase YOU…

…just follow this link:

7 words that leave her unable to keep her hands off you


I see men make this mistake all the time.

When talking to a woman, making the stakes appear incredibly high is NOT a good idea.

By being overly nice and agreeable, she’ll feel like you’re trying to force the connection to work…

…even if there’s nothing actually there.

It’s much, much more attractive when a woman feels CHOSEN by you.

Especially when she believes you could easily have picked someone else.

I call this having an “abundance mindset”.

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve had tons of success with women or not.

Demonstrating “abundance” is simply about showing her a) you’ve chosen her and b) it’s not the end of the world if she did reject you.

By giving the impression you’ve got options, you create a dynamic where she feels like she doesn’t have you – and needs to chase you.

Now – I know what you thinking. Easier said than done, right?

But you don’t want to act so distant that she never notices you in the first place!

So, even if it takes a little extra work in the early stages…

…you’ve got to know how to create the perception she’s chasing you.

That’s why it’s so powerful when you’re not slavishly agreeing with everything she says.

It shows her you’ve got confident and self-respect, since you’ve taken her off the pedestal…

…both of which are much sexier qualities.

Teasing is an absolutely fantastic way to build this confident, relaxed vibe.

She’ll recognise that you see her as a regular, normal human being… not some unapproachable, perfect angel.

This helps you enjoy much more fun, sexually charged conversations – since you’ve no longer got any reason to feel intimidated by her.

Obviously, that makes it far more likely she’ll be attracted to you.

But that’s just the start.

For a set of 7 words that you can predictably use to quickly build attraction in beautiful women, read on here…

Use these 7 words to spark attraction in amazing women

Talk soon,


PS: THIS makes gorgeous women pursue you…


I know, I know…

Making the first move with a woman can be daunting.

The pressure to get everything right is often immense.

But you know what the good news is? It’s that it doesn’t have to be like this.

It’s possible to turn this dynamic on its head and get HER chasing YOU – just by uttering a few simple “trigger words”…

…that activate her deepest curiosity and intrigue about you and your life, to the point where she’s hitting YOU up first.

Follow the link below to find out what they are (and when to use them):

Become irresistible to gorgeous women by saying these “trigger words”


They look great in the movies – but big romantic gestures aren’t always the quickest way to a woman’s heart.

Well, sort of.

They’re very good for helping maintain the romance in an existing relationship.

But if you’re meeting a woman for the very first time…

…it’s best to avoid buying the flowers and fancy dinners straight away.

Unfortunately, many guys do use this strategy when meeting new women.

Here’s why it regularly fails:

Showering her with compliments, praise and material gifts like this is almost making it too easy.

It’s far more compelling and attractive when we feel like we have to CHASE the other person to win their attention.

After all, it’s part of our psychology to want what we don’t have.

This applies as much to attraction as anywhere else.

You’re not getting what you want simply by letting events play out by themselves…

…so you feel obliged to take direct action to get the desired result.

What’s the solution, then?

Here’s my suggestion.

Try showing your best qualities to women more gradually – and less overtly.

Don’t just shove them in her face by directly pointing them out to her.

Let your actions speak louder than words… simply let them shine through in your normal behaviour!

This gets her thinking:

“His life seems interesting and exciting. What must I possibly do to be part of it.

As a result of this curiosity, she now feels the need to take action if she wants to grab his attention.

Perhaps she approaches HIM first – or shows her interest even more overtly.

Either way, it’s much simpler than you might expect to make a woman a) notice what she likes about you…

…and b) take steps to initiate a romantic (even sexual) connection.

These totally innocent words can activate her most powerful curiosity and longing for you – just by dropping them into regular conversation.

Find out what these words are in the link below…

“Trigger words” that get HER making the first move

Talk soon,



PS: Women start to pursue YOU when they hear this


One of the most frustrating things about modern dating is the expectation of men to make the first move.

Trust me, I know the pressure it can put guys under to nail their approaches.

So you’ll be glad to hear it’s not only possible to flip this on its head and get beautiful women approaching YOU, but it’s as simple as uttering a few “trigger words”…

…that activate a deep, compelling curiosity about you in her mind and gets HER taking the initiative.

Find out what they are, and when to use them, in the link below:

Use these “trigger words” to captivate women and get THEM approaching YOU


I hope you had a great Valentine’s Day, whether you’re single or taken.

If you’ve given your partner a bunch of flowers – or seen another guy do it…

…it’s hard to miss the look of adoring love and desire plastered across her face as a result.

The message of Valentine’s Day couldn’t be clearer: big displays of romantic affection are the key to winning a woman’s heart.

Or so you’d think.

Whilst grand gestures are great for maintaining the fire in an existing relationship

…they usually don’t work when meeting a woman for the very first time.

Which, unfortunately, is when a lot of guys mistakenly use this approach.

Going up to her and showering her with compliments is almost making it too easy for her.

One of the most compelling forms of attraction you can feel – women in particular…

…is wanting to CHASE the other person.

It’s funny how people always want the stuff they can’t have – this applies with attraction too.

You feel obliged to take action to get what you want when it’s not happening naturally.

So instead of shoving your best qualities in the face of attractive women…

…showing them more subtly can get her to ask herself:

“His life looks interesting and exciting. How can I be part of it?”

This curiosity can compel her to take action to win the man’s affection…

…whether it’s through making the first move, or showing her interest more openly.

And it’s far simpler than you might think to get a woman to a) notice what she likes about you…

…and b) take the initiative to start building a romantic connection.

For a set of secret, innocent words that activate that powerful curiosity and longing in attractive women, follow the link below.

These “chase triggers” compel HER to make the first approach

Talk soon,



PS: Attractive women are waiting for you to say THIS

​​​​​​Most attractive women rarely chase men, if at all.

But that doesn’t mean men can’t reliably trigger powerful attraction in these women – if they know how to reverse the “chasing dynamic”.

Want to start doing that? Then check out the following:

Use these 7 words to become irresistible to gorgeous women


I want to talk about a lie we’re sold as men.

Specifically, the Disney-fied approach to love and romance.

We’ve all seen films like AladdinSleeping Beauty and The Beauty and the Beast.

The guy wants the girl but doesn’t know how to win her heart.

Over time, however, she realises just how amazing he actually is.

They fall in love and live happily ever after.

Easy, right?

This “Disney blueprint” is in the fairytales our parents tell us, TV shows, films… everything.

Men think if they copy it, women will start falling into their arms.


Whilst these stories make a nice kids’ movie – they’re not how the real world works.

The way Disney presents attracting the opposite sex is far too idealistic.

I think people buy into it because they want it to be that simple.

Well, this might sound harsh.

But don’t hold your breath.

In reality, these films encourage men to be far too passive in going after what they want.

That beautiful woman you see across the bar every Friday night?

She isn’t going to suddenly find you irresistible if you don’t actually change anything.

Yet that’s what Disney is preaching.


The quality of the dating and sex life you enjoy is in YOUR hands.

To attract women more easily, be more proactive.

It’s not up to the universe to magically deliver you amazing women.

Want better results? Then try something new.

Approach more frequently. Try new lines. Try more confident, open body language positions.

As long as it’s new (and respectful), it doesn’t matter.

Leaving your comfort zone isn’t always fun, I know.

But don’t just expect things to magically change.

If things don’t work first time, LEARN something for the future.

Because in the long term, you’ve got a much greater chance of charming the women you want by taking things into your own hands…

…than sitting back and hoping for change.

To start being proactive, I’ve got 7 specific words for instantly sparking attraction in beautiful women.

Follow this link to start using them:

Don’t copy Disney’s approach to attract amazing women. Use these 7 words instead…

Talk soon,



PS: Attractive women are waiting for you to say THIS


​​​​​​Most attractive women rarely chase men, if at all.

But that doesn’t mean men can’t reliably trigger powerful attraction in these women – if they know how to reverse the “chasing dynamic”.

Want to start doing that? Then check out the following:

Use these 7 words to become irresistible to gorgeous women


I want to talk about a lie we’re sold as men.

Specifically, the Disney-fied approach to love and romance.

We’ve all seen films like AladdinSleeping Beauty and The Beauty and the Beast.

The guy wants the girl but doesn’t know how to win her heart.

Over time, however, she realizes just how amazing he actually is.

Then they fall in madly in love and live happily ever after.

Easy, right?

This “Disney blueprint” is in the fairytales our parents tell us, TV shows, films… everything.

Men think if they copy it, women will start falling into their arms.


Whilst these stories make a nice kids’ movie – they’re not how the real world works.

The way Disney presents attracting the opposite sex is far too idealistic.

I think people buy into it because they want it to be that simple.

Well, this might sound harsh.

But don’t hold your breath.

In reality, these films encourage men to be far too passive in going after what they want.

That beautiful woman you see across the bar every Friday night?

She isn’t going to suddenly find you irresistible if you don’t actually change anything.

Yet that’s what Disney is preaching.


The quality of the dating and sex life you enjoy is in YOUR hands.

To attract women more easily, be more proactive.

It’s not up to the universe to magically deliver you amazing women.

Want better results? Then try something new.

Approach more frequently. Try new lines. Try more confident, open body language positions.

As long as it’s new (and respectful), it doesn’t matter.

Leaving your comfort zone isn’t always fun, I know.

But don’t just expect things to magically change.

If things don’t work first time, LEARN something for the future.

Because in the long term, you’ve got a much greater chance of charming the women you want by taking things into your own hands…

…than sitting back and hoping for change.

To start being proactive, I’ve got 7 specific words for instantly sparking attraction in beautiful women.

Follow this link to start using them:

Don’t copy Disney’s approach to attract amazing women. Use these 7 words instead…

Talk soon,


PS: She loves a man who SAYS these 7 words…


It’s one of the “holy grails” of attraction…

…getting a gorgeous woman to pursue YOU instead of vice versa, just by saying a few simple words.

Whether you’ve been married for decades or there’s a new girl you’ve got your eyes on.

Either way, there are 7 words that are biologically primed to activate the “chase mechanisms” in her mind…

…meaning she makes the first move to start building lust and romance between you.

Find out what they are here…

“Arousal vocab” that makes woman pursue YOU for romance and sex

Have you ever wanted something that it feels like you just can’t have?

If so, congratulations: you’re part of the human race.

EVERYONE knows what it’s like for our desires to be tantalisingly out of reach.

Funnily enough, when we actually get “the thing”, our excitement gradually starts to decrease.

We don’t feel that same excitement about it anymore – making us want it less.

As you can guess – this applies as much to attracting women as it does anywhere else.

For a woman to really want you, she has to feel like she doesn’t have you…and if she does want to have you, she’ll have to do the chasing herself.

Of course, I barely need to tell you that it’s easier said than done to establish this dynamic.

When I tell men about this principle, their first instinct is to start acting more disinterested towards the woman they’re after.

Not bad in theory. 

But if you overdo it, she’ll have no idea you’re even interested in the first place.

Giving her no reason to make the first move with you!

So you’ve got to know how to establish this perception that she’s the one chasing you.

It might take a little work at first.

But DON’T think this effort mean’s it’s especially difficult or unachievable.

This is high-level stuff – doing this can feel counter-intuitive, I won’t deny…

…yet the proof is in the pudding – as it can completely transform your attraction abilities.

It’s why so many men who don’t look like male models can still have tons of dating success:

They intuitively understand this song-and-dance of female rapport.

And that’s the main takeaway here:

You can predictably spark powerful attraction at your moment of choosing – by tapping into the triggers she desperately wants to feel from a man.

Is that something you’d like to do? Then follow the link below to find out how to leave your dream woman giggling with arousal:

Step-by-step method to seduce a beautiful woman

Talk soon,



PS: Why Good Girls LOVE Bad Boys


Hey dude,

Don’t you find it frustrating when good girls are attracted to guys who are complete douchebags? Wouldn’t you rather these hot women chase you instead?

I mean… screw those guys. They basically treat women like shit and in return they get laid.

I spent most of my life blaming women for being attracted to these guys, until I realized something that changed my life…

Women can’t help it.

Yeah, believe it or not, these women are just doing what they’ve been programmed to do by their biology. When men behave in a certain way, women chase them.

In fact, scientists have been calling these “chase triggers” and they work on any women, regardless of her initial attraction to you.

Once I started playing with these “triggers” I realized that I to could trigger the same reactions that these “bad boys” were, by doing a few simple things.

For example, I used the “introduction magnet” trigger on a girl in the supermarket yesterday and after a 3 minute conversation she pointed to my phone and said “take my number, let’s hang out sometime”.

The more I use these “chase triggers”, the more I get the same treatment that they have been giving the “bad boys” for years.

You my friend, need to be doing this as well.

Trust me. It will make your dating life a whole lot easier

Get the scientifically proven “chase triggers” here.

To your success,

P.S. But I’m warning you…

If you have bad intentions, or if you intend to use these triggers to manipulate or control women, I’d ask that you don’t follow the link I sent.

Many men have used these to get girlfriends, have fun consensual hook ups or get their Ex back but they shouldn’t be used just to toy with women’s emotions.

You’ve been warned.

You can get the scientifically proven “chase triggers” here.



Elixir Of Eros Chase Triggers Review


The Elixir Of Eros Review

What Is The Elixir Of Eros System

Elixir Of Eros Sexual Switch

SExual switch course Elixir Of Eros

Elixir Of Eros eBook

Chase Triggers Elixir Of Eros PDF




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Dating Coach & Relationship Expert at Gotham Dating Club™

Craig Miller's experience as a Dating Coach, Relationship Expert, Men's Health and Sexual Wellness Expert is grounded in his own struggles with dating when he faced major rejection and disappointment in his early 20s. It wasn't until he discovered simple words and actions that attractive women responded to that his dating life began to turn around.

Armed with this knowledge, he developed a set of tools and techniques that enable men to understand, decode and navigate the complex world of attraction and relationships. Through years of coaching and mentoring, Craig has helped countless men overcome their insecurities and achieve the dating success they deserve.