[FREE eBook] A Hug That Saves Relationships
(How Every Woman Dreams Of Being Held)
This is some of the best advice on increasing the passion in a relationship that I’ve come across all these years.
When you use this hug technique your love life will take on an entirely new dimension and depth of intimate connection…
…to a level that every man and woman craves.
Click Here To Download The Soulmate Embrace Book ⇐ How Every Woman Dreams Of Being Held By Her Man
My friend, relationship expert Susan Bratton shares how after her first ten years of marriage with her husband, they had devolved from lovers into friends.
They became “best buddies,” but had nothing much going on in the bedroom.
Their zero-intimacy relationship went on for years. They soon get sick of being “glorified roommates.”
The Soulmates Embrace was one of the key things that revived the passion and intimacy in their relationship.
This simple hug technique melts any stress, tension, and pressure that keeps lovers from co-creating a sexual soulmate union.
It’s easy to think of hugs as non-sensual expressions of love and affection. Not this one.
The Soulmates Embrace allows you to drop into the sensual animal of your body and melt your cares away. It is highly effective whether you’re with someone you’ve just started dating or someone you’ve been married to for decades. It can even revive a sexless marriage.
When a man and woman learn to hold and be held in an exquisitely intimate, loving way, the rewards are immediate. They experience a deeper emotional connection and renewed interest in sexual pleasure. You’ll find yourselves more open to each other, more able to share deeply from the heart.
Bottom line: a woman who can fully surrender into her lover’s arms has a profound sense of safety that makes for more adventurousness in the bedroom.
Click Here To Download The Soulmate’s Embrace Book ⇐ How Every Woman Dreams Of Being Held By Her Man
Seize the day,
Taylor Snow
PS: How To Hold and Be Held – Step-By-Step Hug Technique (Yes! You Really Need This.)
We women love to be held. It makes us feel safe, nurtured and loved. But often we don’t get all the hugs and holding we need because our partner literally just don’t know how to hold us.
They let go as soon as we relax, instead of pulling us tighter.
Or they take our desire to be held as a signal for something more…
Why can’t the hug just be enough?
My dear friend and relationship expert Susan Bratton explains that because our male-bodied partners are testosterone-driven, being held is not something they crave. Yet they love the notion of their arms being our safe haven. Their masculinity is fueled by protecting us in warm embrace.
Fueling a partner’s masculinity increases polarity — the magnetism of opposites — which in turn supports our relaxation into our feminine.
Susan recommends closing the gap between their desire to cuddle and their lack of experience by sharing this technique she calls, The Soulmate–Embrace.
You can download a lovely little .pdf from Susan’s website by clicking here.
When men and women learn to hold and to be held in this extremely exquisitely intimate, loving caring way, the rewards are immediate. Here is a quick list of some of the benefits:
A deeper emotional connection.
More passionate loving.
Stronger, longer, deeper pleasure.
A sense of security and safety behind closed doors, which eventually leads to…
More intimate adventurousness.
Profound openness and heart-sharing.
A stronger feeling of belonging to each other.
Greater confidence in your love for each other.
Holding and being held increase your immune function, lower your cortisol levels, boosts your oxytocin levels, helps relieve anxiety and depression, and releases endorphins which help with pain relief.
The emotional and physical benefits of holding and being held are increased an order of magnitude when you follow Susan’s Soulmate–Embrace hug techniques.
On page 7 you’ll find a step-by-step list of instructions that Susan wrote for the masculine partner to follow.
You may find at first that you struggle to relax. This is your “flight or fight” mode which indicates that you REALLY need this technique! Susan assures you this is part of the process of learning how to be truly held to relaxation.
Who knew that hugging was a learned skill?
I encourage you to print the step-by-step instructions out and share them with your partner. Try it together and remember that you will start really enjoying this Soulmate–Embrace after 3 or 4 times of practicing it.
Once you feel the power of this hug technique, you’ll be scheduling times to lie down together and just luxuriate in the pleasure, closeness and love that wells up from this gorgeous experience.
Download Susan’s generous gift today. You’ll be on her mailing list where she shares other heart-connected, conscious relationship and intimacy techniques. She’s a wonderful spirit and truly stands for soulmate sensuality.
Here’s that link again. => Soulmate–Embrace Hug Technique
Taylor Snow
P.S. This technique has been shown on TV, it’s that special. Susan did a segment about how hugging between couples is diminishing, while hugging between friends is on the rise. Don’t let your life be without sweet embrace.
PS: Safe And Sound In The Arms Of Your Soulmate – A Soul Connection Through a Sweet Embrace
When we first fall in love, it’s fast and fiery. It feels like an adrenaline rush.
We enjoy the flood of new love chemistry. It makes for a more intimate, juicy connection.
But as good as those dizzying moments feel, nobody can be that in love 24/7. Or can you?
Hey, Sweetheart!
Remember that “being in love” feeling when you just want to stay in romantic bliss and stare into each other’s eyes all day long?
It seems perfectly sensible to want to spend all your time kissing, cuddling, and laughing together.
Perfectly sensible. But you and I both know that’s not exactly realistic …
You and your partner don’t exist in a vacuum. You have a life out there in the world. You have a job. You handle family. You play with friends. You do all sorts of things when you and your sweetheart are apart.
Relationships often suffer when partners are exhausted from dealing with life “out there” beyond the safe zone of the relationship. Everyday demands can lead to neglecting each other. No need to feel bad about this. It happens to all of us.
Even Susan Bratton, trusted sex advisor to millions, experienced this kind of challenge in her marriage. She and her husband Tim had been married for 15 years when they realized they’d lost their connection and grown apart.
But they didn’t want to call it quits so they decided to close the gap between them. They began to reconnect as soulmates by holding each other and slipping into a love trance… in a very special way.
This allowed them to forget about the rest of the world and go home to each other.
Susan talks about this relationship-renewing embrace in her new eBook, Soulmates Embrace, which she is giving away for FREE.
The Soulmates Embrace ⇐ Download Your FREE Copy NOW (Limited Time Only)
People who do the Soulmates Embrace often say, “I’ve dreamed of being held like this.” (or holding a woman like this)
Download The Soulmates Embrace NOW For FREE Here ⇐ For A Limited Time Only
Get the ebook and turn your dream of feeling totally “at home” with your sweetheart into a reality.
Seize the day,
Taylor Snow
PS: Hug her this way (and watch her panties roll down)
Are you holding your woman the RIGHT way?
If you say, “Of course! I wrap my arms around her, face to face, and chest to chest…”
Well then, you’re missing the point.
Because this is not the way she expects a MAN to hold her…
In fact, she wants you to EMBRACE her… in a way that calms her nerves and at the same time, creates a “sexual pull” towards you. Here’s the exact illustration:
This is how you HOLD HER with a “sexual twist”…
If you think about it, hugs are non-sensual expressions of love and affection. But not this one…
And that’s because sometimes a woman can be difficult to “read” when it comes to sex.
She’s like a mystery box or a foreign film with no subtitles.
So to create an instant connection, a simple embrace can do the trick amazingly well. And this special “hug technique” melts any stress, tension, and pressure that often keeps you from creating that SOULMATE moment.
The problem is, most guys don’t know this kind of hug exists.
I mean… do you know when to hold her and when to let go?
Or where to position your arms, abdomen, and chest?
And more importantly, how long to hold the embrace so she melts in your arms… and gets wet down under?
Look – if you want to drop sexual hints while holding her tight – then this one has THAT immediate effect:
Hug her this way (and watch her panties roll down)…
Seize the day,
Taylor Snow
PS: Solve the “Attention-Deficit Dating” Problem
Closeness without the hook up.
Dear Friend,
Dating can be a lonely proposition…
Especially if you feel pressured to go all the way.
In a world where hookups are almost expected, how the heck do you “take it slow” without getting pushed aside for someone more willing to go all in?
My favorite relationship expert, Susan Bratton, has your back… and your front as well!
I can hardly wait for you to see the BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATIONS in her free ebook: Soulmate–Embrace.
The Soulmate Embrace Method PDF ⇐ Download It Here Now For FREE (Limited Time Only)
With this hug technique you can develop a real connection with someone… a connection they’ll remember… even if that’s all you ever do together.
It goes without saying: you don’t want to sleep with everyone you go out with…
What Susan has put together in this book could start a revolution in the dating world.
Real intimacy. Real closeness. A chance to actually “feel into” your chemistry and get to know someone … with NO RISK.
Truly nurturing physical intimacy without the hassle.
I want single people everywhere knew about this technique. The dating world could change from a place to be “on your guard” to a place where you can relax and enjoy.
Give it a whirl. You’ll start having a much better time on dates. Promise!
Download The Soulmate–Embrace PDF Now For FREE Here ⇐ For A Limited Time Only
Seize The Day,
Taylor Snow
P.S. Susan is a relationship expert who has been all over TV on every channel talking about these soulmate techniques. This HUG is amazing and I really want you to get her free book. Try this technique and report back to me how much you loved it!